The applications for the IMEHub Acceleration Program have begun

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The applications for the IMEHub Acceleration Program, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in coordination with the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkey and Istanbul Development Agency, have started.

Within the scope of IMEHub, which aims to contribute to the participation of Syrian refugees under temporary protection in Turkey in host communities through livelihoods and employment opportunities, entrepreneurs can receive mentoring and consultancy support from experienced business people, as well as entrepreneurship training.

During the application period, entrepreneurs will be evaluated through an initial assessment after uploading their business ideas on the online application platform. The needs of the entrepreneurs who are eligible to participate in the acceleration program will be determined through individual interviews, and they will be provided with the most suitable training and mentoring.

Application Deadline: May 8, 2023

You can find details about the IMEHub Acceleration Program and information on how to apply here.

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