IBU officially launched the InnoX Innovation Center

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International Balkan University (IBU) officially launched the InnoX Innovation Center, our new-generation innovation and entrepreneurship center located in the heart of Skopje, which is created by Uskup Foundation and functions under IBU.

Ambassador of the Republic of Turkiye, H.E. Mr. Fatih Ulusoy, Former President of North Macedonia, Mr. Gjorge Ivanov, President of the Management Board of IBU, Mr. Recep Süleyman Özdil, President of the Management Board of Innox, Mr. Bilal Sucubaşı, Rector of IBU, Mr. Prof. Dr. Lutfi Sunar, members of the USKUP Foundation, Members of the IBU and Innox Management Board, academic and administrative staff of IBU, attended the opening ceremony.

The protocol and guests were consist of politicians, start-up representatives, academicians, representatives of the business sector, diplomats, NGOs, and guests from different countries.

Keynote speaker on this event was Mrs. Nina Angelovska. IBU professors Ivan Ivanov and Laze Tripov were moderators of the demo presentations, where Mirjana Josifoska owner of “Mirjana Josifovska”, Burak Cacan founder of “Cacan Enerji”, Mehmet Cemal Acar co-founder of “Mahir aerospace”, Fisnik Mela founder of “GoConf” and CEO of “Rottera Software Development”, and Baybars Altuntaş, Chairman of World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) and parner of G20, presented their start-ups and companies.

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